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Viên nén Nespresso Master Origin Colombia - 10 viên

  • WINEY & RED FRUITS: This Nespresso coffee uses only high-grown, washed processed Colombian Arabica for a taste with lively acidity and bursts of winey red fruit aromas
  • INTENSITY 6: This Nespresso coffee blend Master Origin Colombia medium roast coffee blend is both a smooth coffee and a fruity coffee with winey red fruit notes of blackcurrant and cranberry, all in easy to use Nespresso Capsules
Vùng trồng địa lý / Location South - American
Mức độ rang / Roasting level Rang vừa
Thể trạng / Condition Capsule/ ESE Pod
Xuất Xứ / Origin Switzerland
Price: ₫205,000

Nespresso Master Origin Colombia 10 count capsules

Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest uses only high-grown, washed processed Colombian Arabica. Can you taste the lively acidity and the burst of winey red fruit aromas? That comes from those coffee farmers who dared to wait longer before harvesting their crop.
If you love Rosabaya, you'll fall for Colombia from our new Master Origin range: a surprising, vivacious blend, with red fruit notes reminiscent of black currants and cranberries
A short roast at medium temperatures keeps the deep and delicate aromatics of Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest in balance.
Master Origin Colombia with Late Harvest Arabica is both a smooth coffee and a fruity coffee. You’ll taste all the winey red fruit notes of blackcurrant and cranberry that surface when you wait. A bright acidity makes this a vivacious coffee. And it’s in smooth balance with those seductive aromatics.
Nespresso Master Origin Colombia 10 count capsules
Price: ₫205,000
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