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Ấm rót nước Cafe de Tiamo Kettle Wooden Handle (HA1653) - 700ml

Ấm rót nước và cà phê hiệu Tiamo, với tay cầm bằng  gỗ thanh lịch ,dung tích 700ml .
Xuất Xứ / Origin Taiwan
Phân Loại / Type Ấm rót/ đun nước Pour over
Giá: 850.000 ₫
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Ấm rót nước Tiamo Kettle Wooden Handle (HA1653) - 700ml

Stainless Steel Coffee Pot 

1403 0.7L Pour Over Coffee Pot w/ Wooden Handle (HA1653)
* 8mm thin long spout design for more stable water stream when coffee brewing. * Capacity : 700ml * Elegance Satin Finish Body with Wooden Handle & Knob * Material: 18-8 Stainless Steel (Body), Wood (Handle) * Suitable for Coffee Bar, Restaurant, etc......
Pour Over Coffee Pot is specially designed for Drip Coffee Brewing, a long thin spout of this pot provides small and stable water stream during coffee brewing. Let ground coffee in the dripper is heated and brewed eventually, finally a tasty and delicious coffee is produced for serving.
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Ấm rót nước Cafe de Tiamo Kettle Wooden Handle (HA1653) - 700ml
Giá: 850.000 ₫
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