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Bộ dụng cụ pha cà phê GOAT STORY Gina Basic - Màu đen

One device, three brewing methods.
  1. Pour-over
  2. Immersion
  3. Cold-drip
Phân Loại / Type Phễu lọc/ Pour-over
Price: ₫3,700,000

Gina Coffee Maker was officially launched in 2016 and immediately created a big buzz in the coffee industry because of its versatility and reliability as well as its great design.

The device has a minimalist design, with two main colors, white and black. GINA omits redundant details and simplifies everything, including the user interface in the tracking application on the GINA Smart model.

One device, three brewing methods.
  1. Pour-over
One of the most popular brewing methods gives you the clearest and purest flavor that your coffee can offer.
  1. Immersion
Because coffee grounds are in contact with water longer, this method brings out richer, stronger flavors with more body.
  1. Cold Drip
Setting up drops of water slowly drip over freshly ground coffee beans over the time period of a few hours, you will be rewarded with a smooth, coffee liqueur like drink.

GOAT STORY GINA Basic Coffee Brewing Instrument (Black)
Price: ₫3,700,000
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