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Phễu pha cà phê Hario V60 bằng nhựa VD-02R (1-4 ly)

V60 Dripper Versatility

The Hario dripper can be also useful if you enjoy traveling. It is small in size, durable and extremely lightweight allowing you to attach the V60 dripper or simply squeeze it inside your backpack to enjoy a marvelous cup of coffee whenever in need of a little boost.

Phễu lọc cà phê Hario bằng nhựa VD-02R (1-4 ly)

Product Information : Thông tin sản phẩm
Brand :Hario Thương hiệu : Hario
Model :VD-02R Kiểu :VD-02R
Color :Red Màu sắc :Đỏ
Capacity :1-4 cups Dung tích :1-4ly
Size :02 Kích thước :02
Material :Heat-resistant plastic degree 120 ºC Vật liệu :Nhựa chịu nhiệt  120 độ C
Made in  Japan
  Sturdy, lightweight pour-over coffeemaker, perfect for travel Manual brewing method allows you to choose your ideal brew time and temperature, ensuring a perfect cup of coffee Coffee flows through the cone directly into your cup or coffee pot The V60 coffee dripper controls the flow, timing and temperature of the water Professional Experience. Size 02: 1-4 cups      


How to make pour over by Sieuthicafe

More Hario products: Click here
Giá: 250.000 ₫

Phễu lọc cà phê Hario bằng nhựa VD-02R (1-4 ly)

Product Information : Thông tin sản phẩm
Brand :Hario Thương hiệu : Hario
Model :VD-02R Kiểu :VD-02R
Color :Red Màu sắc :Đỏ
Capacity :1-4 cups Dung tích :1-4ly
Size :02 Kích thước :02
Material :Heat-resistant plastic degree 120 ºC Vật liệu :Nhựa chịu nhiệt  120 độ C
Made in  Japan
Sturdy, lightweight pour-over coffeemaker, perfect for travel
Manual brewing method allows you to choose your ideal brew time and temperature, ensuring a perfect cup of coffee
Coffee flows through the cone directly into your cup or coffee pot
The V60 coffee dripper controls the flow, timing and temperature of the water
Professional Experience. Size 02: 1-4 cups



How to make pour over by Sieuthicafe

More Hario products: Click here
Phễu pha cà phê Hario V60 bằng nhựa VD-02R (1-4 ly)
Giá: 250.000 ₫
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