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MÁY RANG CÀ PHÊ HOTTOP Coffee Roaster Machine KN-8828B-2-K Digital Drum Roaster-110v

  • The Hottop Model KN-8828B-2-K Digital Home Coffee Roaster is a very nice, sturdily built machine which is modeled after after a professional shop roaster.
  • The completely stainless roasting drum
  • In our own tests we feel coffee roasted with the Hottop roaster models produce results closest to professionally roasted coffee
Xuất Xứ / Origin Taiwan
Phân Loại / Type Máy rang mẫu/ gia đình
Giá: 40.912.200 ₫

MÁY RANG CÀ PHÊ HOTTOP Coffee Roaster Machine KN-8828B-2-K Digital Drum Roaster

  • Computer controlled roasting for accuracy and repeatability
  • K-type thermocouple
  • Fully automatic roasting & cooling when desired
  • All aspects of roast can be preset or adjusted during roast
  • User can end roast at any time
  • Capacity: 250g - 300g per roasting (9 ounces/250g optimal)
  • External cooling tray with agitation arm and cooling fan. Beans cool in 4 to 5 minutes
  • Easy cleaning
  • Very quiet operation
  • Built-in smoke reduction system
  • Stainless steel cover and drum
  • Large window gives good view of the beans during roasting
  • Audible signalling of roast progress
  • Heat element: 750 Watts
  • Steel Drum: 4 x 8 inches
  • Viewing window: 4 inches
  • Height: 14 inch
  • Width: 10 inch
  • Depth: 19 inch
  • Weight: 19 pounds
  • Voltage: 120 volts
New features:
  • Target time, target temperature, fan speed, or heater power can be changed during roast.
  • Color LCD display.
  • Not sensitive to the line voltage, no voltage regulator needed, such as a Variac, to maintain proper voltage.
  • Built-in temperature safety features (user must press any key to continue roasting if darker roast desiredwhen Hottop temperature displays 415 F, otherwise Hottop will dump the beans and shut off the machine automatically).
  • 15 to 17 minutes for a 250 grams (i.e. 9 oz or 1/2 lb) batch.
  • Adjusted profile can be saved and played back.
Control Panel Buttons
1. Start/Power - The largest button at the top of the control panel is for both “POWER” and “START.” Only one of these two choices will be illuminated in the LCD display at any given time so the button is used for this dual function.
2. Eject - Available at any point during a roast. Use it to immediately stop the roasting process and send the beans into the cooling tray.
3. Select - Cycle through adjustable parameters (Target time, Target Temperature, Fan Speed and Heating Element Power).
4. Up/Down Arrows - used to change each of the four adjustable parameters. If at any time a parameter is at its extreme (highest or lowest possible setting) that arrow will not be available.

Control Panel Displays
1. Time - Counts down remaining time. Maximum roast time is 25 minutes with most roasts falling into the 15 to 19 minute range. This means you will have ample time left if needed. Beans are ejected when target time is reached if not overridden by user. Minimum is 10 minutes.
2. Temperature - User can select target temperature or current temperature display and can toggle from one to the other using the 'select' button. Beans will automatically eject when target termperature is reached if not overridden by user.
3. Fan Speed - 5 speeds can be set: 0, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%.
4. Heating Element Power - Eleven selectable heating levels. Each bar represents 10% of the elements power. No bars means element is off.


The first thing that you will notice is the colorful LCD display panel. This is the interface between the user and the roaster. Let’s begin by understanding what is displayed here. Detailed instructions on how to use the various functions of the KN-8828B-2K will be found on pages 15 through 17.
NOTE: The display components vary depending on which mode is in use. Only functions that are currently available will be illuminated.
When first plugging the KN-8828B-2K roaster into an outlet the user is given the choice of whether to enter “Auto” or “Manual” mode.


At various times a message will appear in the display to alert you:
CHAF: The chaff tray needs to be emptied before continuing.
Stor - If you choose you may store into non-volatile memory the roast which just took place
AUTO - The pre-programmed, factory default, automatic roasting mode. 18:00 and 420 are the default values for AUTO mode.
COOL - The roaster is cooling itself down before it can
Ad - These are roasting profile memory locations where you can store profiles for future use. The three areas are named Ad1, Ad2, and Ad3.
P H - The roaster is preheating in preparation to roast coffee.


There are three separate safety points programmed into the KN-8828B-2K:
  • If the KN-8828B-2K displays a temperature of 356F (180 C) within the first 8:30 of roasting time, the unit will alert you with warning beeps. If you do not press a button (other than EJECT) within 20 seconds, the beans will be automatically ejected. Pressing a button continues the roast as
  • When the KN-8828B-2K displays a temperature of 395 F (or 202 C), the roaster will again alert you with warning If you do not press a button (other than EJECT) within 20 seconds, the beans will be automatically ejected. Pressing a button continues the roast as programmed.
  • When the KN-8828B-2K displays a temperature of 428 F (220 C), the beans will be immediately ejected. There is no override for this safety function.


During the roasting process you can change any of these four parameters: Target Time, Target Tem- perature, Fan Speed, and Heating Element Power. These changes are temporarily memorized by the roast- er. This “set” of adjustments and changes is called a “Profile.” When the roast is over and the cooling cycle has completed, the display will show “Stor.” At this time you may choose to save the Profile so that this same roast can be repeated again in the future.


During the actual roasting process the time display will countdown the remaining time in the roast. If the Select arrow is used to choose the time display it becomes encircled (shown to the left). The remaining time can now be modified by adding or subtracting time using the Chevron up and down arrows. At any point in the roast, if the time display reaches 00:00 the KN-8828B-2K will automatically eject the beans. When the display is not encircled (above right) the display will still show the amount of time remaining in the current roast. The Target Time can be changed at any time during the roast. The total roast time (time elapsed + time remaining) cannot exceed 25:00. When the Target Time is selected, the Up Chevron arrow will not be available if 25:00 would be exceeded by the addition of more time


During the roast, the temperature display can show two different parameters. If the Select arrow is used to choose the temperature display it becomes encircled (shown to the left). This is the Target Tem- perature which, if reached, will automatically eject the beans. When the display is not encircled (above right) it is the current temperature in the roasting chamber. The Target Temperature can be changed at any time during the roast up to the maximum of 428 F. If the Target Temperature is lowered to the point that it equals the current temperature the beans will be ejected.


The KN-8828B-2K Coffee Roaster can be set to display temperatures in Fahrenheit or Celsius. To change the displayed units follow these steps. This only needs to be done once unless you desire to change the standard in the future. NOTE: Throughout the following step-by-step sections, black and yellow highlighted words refer to the button selections on the control panel of the same name:


The KN-8828B-2K gives the user the option to easily and quickly roast using an automatic mode. The “Auto” mode supplies a roasting curve that can begin with as few as three presses of a single button. It can be modified to run for a programmed amount of time or a programed temperature and will automati- cally eject the beans when either parameter is reached. It also allows time to be changed at any time during the roast or for the target temperature to be modified. The roast can be stopped at any time the user desires. If this is your first time roasting coffee we highly recommend starting with the AUTO function.


Either before the roast begins or after the Pre-Heat (PH) cycle ends, various roasting parameters  can be changed. Before beginning the roast, only Target Time and Target Temperature are available to be modified. During the Roast you can change Fan Speed and Heating Element Power as well.STORING (Saving) A ROAST PROFILE

When the roast has completed and the cooling cycle is done, if you like the way the roast turned out and wish to repeat this roast at any time in the future, you may save it. The KN-8828B-2K offers three, non-volatile memory areas in which to store Profiles. Each area holds one Profile which can be easily recalled for use in the future.Roasting with a Stored Profile

After you have saved a roast using the “STOR” function you can recall that roast and use it again
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MÁY RANG CÀ PHÊ HOTTOP Coffee Roaster Machine KN-8828B-2-K Digital Drum Roaster-110v
Giá: 40.912.200 ₫
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