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Phễu lọc cà phê thông minh Mr.Clever Dripper Blue 600ml (5ly)

Mr. Clever dripper is a full-immersion brewing device that produces a clean and tasty cup that couldn't be any easier to use. The cup's rim engages the release valve and the coffee begins to drain through the bottom of the dripper into your cup.
Phân Loại / Type Phễu lọc/ Pour-over
Xuất Xứ / Origin Taiwan
Price: ₫550,000
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Phễu cà phê thông minh Mr.Clever Dripper Blue 600ml

Mr Clever - Phễu cà phê thông minh Mr.Clever 600ml - Taiwwan-2852

Made to fit both cups and thermoses, Clever’s amazing shut-off system combines the best features of French press and filter-drip brewing. Made of durable, BPA-free plastic.
Product Information : 
Brand : Mr.Clever
Model : C-70777.L
Color : Blue
Capacity : 5 cups
Size : 03 (600ml)
Material : PCTG resin, AS resin, silicon rubber
Weight : 365 g
Made in  Taiwan
Thông tin sản phẩm :
Thương hiệu : Mr.Clever
Kiểu : C-70777.L
Màu sắc : xanh da trời
Dung tích : 5 ly
Kích thước : 03 (600ml)
Vật liệu : Nhựa PCTG , nhựa AS , và cao su silicon chịu nhiệt và đàn hồi tốt
Trọng lượng : 365 g
- Durable BPA-free plastic body
- Includes dripper, lid, and coaster
- Works best with #2 or #4 size filters
- Designed for manual, immersion-style coffee brewing
- Brews one cup at a time

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Mr.Clever Coffee Dripper Blue 600ml (5 cups)
Price: ₫550,000
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