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Phễu lọc không giấy Barcafe Dripper Super stainless steel filter with rose gold plating 1-4 cup

  • High Quality Stainless Steel: This coffee filter is made of high quality stainless steel, it has durable, rust resistant and easy to clean features.
  • Resusable: This is a reusable coffee filter that is cleaner than paper, it allows for perfect extraction without leaving that annoying paper filter residue.
Phân Loại / Type Phễu lọc/ Pour-over
Price: ₫450,000

  • High Quality Stainless Steel: This coffee filter is made of high quality stainless steel, it has durable, rust resistant and easy to clean features.
  • Resusable: This is a reusable coffee filter that is cleaner than paper, it allows for perfect extraction without leaving that annoying paper filter residue.
  • High-Precision: The coffee dripper' s mesh structure and high-precision filter make it more effective to filter coffee grounds.
  • Ensures Delicious: This dripper perfectly restores the taste of coffee, ensures the delicious flavored oils of your coffee beans every single time.  
Barcafe Dripper Super stainless steel filter with rose gold plating (1-4 cup)
Price: ₫450,000
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