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Giấy lọc Chemex Filters paper 6 cups - Prefolded Squares

Giấy lọc cà phê cho bình chemex 6 cup
Xuất Xứ / Origin Mỹ
Phân Loại / Type Vải & Giấy lọc
Giá: 450.000 ₫

Giấy lọc Chemex Filters paper 6 cups - Prefolded Squares

Product Information : 
Brand: Chemex Coffee Maker
Model: FC 100
Size : 6.4 x 4.5 x 1 inches
Item weight: 1.01 pounds.
Quality: 100 pieces
The key to the Chemex method is the fractional extraction of only the desirable parts of the coffee bean. Chemex-Bonded filters make this possible. They are 20 to 30 percent heavier than other filters, and filter out all sediment. They have been specifically designed to give balanced performance with the Chemex Coffeemaker.
The filter combines a very fine grain, required for holding back the coffee mud, with the right filtration speed (not too slow, not too fast) that promotes proper infusion.
The filter is designed not to burst under the weight of the liquid during infusion, and not to break when lifting out the grinds. 100 white filters per box.

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Giá: 450.000 ₫
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