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Giấy lọc café Melitta 1x2 (2-4 ly) - Germany

Pha được 4-6 tách café pha máy & 2 tách café pha thường
Xuất Xứ / Origin Germany
Phân Loại / Type Vải & Giấy lọc
Giá: 47.000 ₫

Giấy lọc cà phê MELITTA® 1x2 
- Phù hợp với các loại phin lọc sử dụng giấy lọc Melitta® 1x2 (Pha được 2  tách cà phê) - Quy cách: 40 tờ/ hộp - Màu: Trắng - Chất liệu: Giấy và sợi giấy - Thiết kế đường gấp nếp đôi nhằm tăng độ bền và đảm bảo không bục giấy

MELITTA® Coffee Filter Model: 1x2 - Fit all handfilter designed with the Melitta® 1x2 cone filter (2 cups of coffee) - Quantity: 40 pieces/ box - Color: White - Material: Paper and Fiber - Double crimped filter design for extra strength and durability is guaranteed not to burst
Product information "Melitta® Filter Bags® Original, 1x2®, white"
Package content: 40 pieces The ideal filtration is achieved with the proven filter bags® Original 1x2®. Making coffee can be so easy.

Melitta® Filter Bags® Original are made of Aromapor® paper.

The special thing about the paper are its microfine pores. They ensure that only the finest flavors get into your coffee: so it can always develop its full aroma.


The flavor pores are now divided into 3 aroma zones, each containing different numbers of aroma pores. 3. Rounding: The upper zone prevents the formation of a bitter taste and guarantees a rounded aroma. 2. Refine: The middle zone helps to brew uniformly and so refines the aroma of your coffee. 1. Unfolding: The lowest zone, the so-called "brewing zone", provides the first aroma development.

The right size for your coffee machine

No matter if your coffee machine is designed for 2, 6, 10 or more cups: Only Melitta® offers coffee filters in all sizes - for every individual request. Melitta® Filter Bags® Original are available in sizes 1, 100, 101, 102®, 1x2®, 1x4® and 1x6®.

In natural brown and white

Melitta® filter bags® natural brown or white: a difference that you can see but of course can not taste. Because the properties of both filter papers are completely the same. Natural brown coffee filters are unbleached, white coffee filters are only bleached with natural oxygen. All our coffee filters are of course compostable.

FSC® certification

As a FSC®-certified company, we produce Melitta® filter bags® according to the provisions of the FSC®. The FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to help improve forest management worldwide. FSC® labeled products secure the use of forests to meet the social, economic and environmental needs of present and future generations. With the Melitta® filter bags® we make our active contribution to an exemplary forestry.

Quality for the pleasure of coffee

Enjoyment of coffee - this is what we stand for since Melitta Bentz invented the first coffee filter in 1908, thus laying the foundation for modern coffee enjoyment. This joy of coffee is then as today our impulse, with competence, ingenuity and love for the product always to offer the best quality and unique coffee enjoyment.

Brand of the century

Melitta® makes coffee a pleasure and has been since 1908. The Melitta® coffee filters are the market standard. We stand for quality and constant consistency. Nevertheless, Melitta® filter bags® anticipate new innovations, such as the new Melitta Gourmet® filter bags with AromaporenPLUS®.

MISSION eco & care

We have developed a label that directly helps you to choose a product that guarantees conscious enjoyment. For this we use our own value system.
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Giấy lọc café Melitta 1x2 (2-4 ly) - Germany
Giá: 47.000 ₫
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