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Tháp pha cà phê lạnh nhỏ giọt Cafe de Tiamo Water Drip Coffee Maker HG6360 - 10 cups

This brewer uses extreme care in slowly and carefully extracting the coffee for an ideal cold brew. Combine the proper volume of ice water in the top chamber and properly ground and dosed coffee in the middle chamber to produce a strong and delicious cold brew.
Phân Loại / Type Bình chiết xuất lạnh
Xuất Xứ / Origin Taiwan
Price: ₫4,400,000 ₫5,500,000
In stock

Cafe de Tiamo Water Drip Coffee Maker HG6360 - 10 cups

Unique cold extraction methods, iced coffee will taste great environment to enhance referral
-Adopt a more thick of heat-resistant glass, clear and high, better texture
-Curve modeling bottle filled with ice and water together showing the texture of the United States
-Bamboo base and stand, showing the natural texture
The idea behind this slow cold brewing method is that the coffee drinker can experience the coffee flavours without the tannins, bitterness and astringency that you usually get from a traditional hot brewing method.  The cold brew is great, because it still retains the chocolate, citrus and fruity notes.
The coffee reacts differently in the chemical bond between hot and cold water and these tools allow you to discover these finer aspects of the coffee flavours that might otherwise be lost in a hot brew.
>These coffee makers are elegant and yield a refined cup of coffee – full of body and zing.
Store your extraction in the fridge, and drink neat in a cold glass or over ice.  Perfect for a hot morning or afternoon.  Cold brew is also a great start to a blended coffee drink.
These cold drippers are made of high quality tempered glass.  They yield approximately 6-8 cups in a single brewing session.
Cafe de Tiamo Water Drip Coffee Maker HG6360 - 10 cups
Price: ₫4,400,000 ₫5,500,000
In stock
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