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Sách cà phê: Coffee Obsession

Coffee Obsession handbooks will introduce how how coffee gets from green bean to cup, as well as each style, each flavor around the world. Beside that, Coffee Obsession also guides reader how to make coffee from basic to iconic.
Phân Loại / Type Sách về cà phê & trà
Giá: 690.000 ₫
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Sách cà phê: Coffee Obsession

Details: -Written by Anette Moldvaer -Dimensions (cm): 24 (l) x 20.5 (w) x 2 (d) -Hardcover:224 pages -Publisher: DK (June 16, 2014) -Language: English
Book - Coffee Obsession
 In Coffee Obsession, we take a journey through the coffee-producing nations around the world, presenting the different styles, flavors, and techniques used to brew the perfect cup. We explore how coffee gets from bean to cup in each region, and what that means for the final product.
Through clear step-by-step instruction, Coffee Obsession will teach you how to make latte, cappuccino, and other iconic coffee styles as if you were a professionally trained barista. With more than 130 classic coffee recipes to suit every taste, detailed flavor profiles and tasting notes, as well as recommended roasts from around the world, Coffee Obsession is like nothing else out on the market.

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