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Blagu Roasted Bean, Gesha Panama

Feel the outstanding aroma of jasmine flowers in each cup of coffee. In addition to the floral aroma, the coffee beans also bring out the citrus floral aroma, accompanied by the gentle peach and apple flavors when drinking.
For Gesha Panama beans, the V60 brewing method is recommended by many world experts, this brewing method combined with the Light roast level will retain most of the essence of the  Gesha Panama beans. Origin information:
  • Coffee Growers: Finca Lerida Coffee Estate
  • Breed: Gesha
  • Region: Alto Quiel, Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama
  • Harvest: December - April
  • Altitude: 1600 - 2000 masl
  • Soil: Volcanic loam.
  • Process: Wet processing.

[Premium] Blagu Roasted Beans Costa Rica Los Santos

Cupping profile: Chocolate, Almond, Citrus, Wine
Costa Rica Los Santos specs:
Region: Los Santos
Growing Altitude: 1,280–1,800 masl
Arabica Variety: Caturra and Catuaí
Harvest Period: December–March
Process: Washed, patio and drum dried
Roast level: Medium
Try a cup of Espresso made from Costa Rica beans, you will be surprised.

[Premium] Cà Phê Hạt Đã Rang Blagu Peru Chanchamayo

Cupping profile: Citrus, Chocolate, Guava, Walnut
Peru Chanchamayo Specs:
Region: Chanchamayo
Growing Altitude: 1,100-1,700 masl
Arabica Variety: Catuai, Catimor, Caturra
Process: Washed
Roast level: Medium
Try a cup of Espresso made from Costa Rica beans, you will be surprised.

[Premium] Blagu Roasted Beans Ethiopia Konga

Cupping Profile: Dried Blueberries, Caramel, Raisins, Blackberries, Jasmine
Region: Yirgacheffe
Growing Altitude: 1900-2300 masl
Varieties: Heirloom
Milling process: Washed
Body: Smooth
Roast level: Light-Medium
Brewing method to fully exploit the flavor: Pour-over, Chemex.
Combo Gift Premium Specialty Coffee - Classic
Price: ₫2,290,000
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