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Bình pha cafe lạnh Hario SHIZUKU Slow Drip Brewer Cold Brew SBS-5B

You can prepare delicious cold brewed coffee easily.  
Xuất Xứ / Origin Japan (Nhật)
Phân Loại / Type Bình chiết xuất lạnh
Giá: 1.945.000 ₫
Có hàng

Bình pha cafe lạnh Hario SHIZUKU Slow Drip Brewer Cold Brew SBS-5B

You can make iced coffee with just coffee and water. Pour small amounts of water to wet the coffee grounds while dripping with a circular motion. Once filled, place the cap and gently shake the bottle to start the extraction. Refrigerate for approximately 8 hours before serving.
Product information : 
SIZE W116 × D116 × H356mm
Brewed volume 600ml
Upper bowl, Pot : Heatproof glass Lid, Outer holder, Inner holder : Silicone rubber Strainer : Stainless steel

Drop by drop - each drop makes authentic slow drip coffee  Slow drip coffee is ready in only one hours Casually enjoy slow drip coffee, no need to adjust speed
Upper bowl, Pot, Inner holder, Drip part, Paper filter : MADE IN JAPAN Strainer, Lid, Outer holder, MADE IN CHINA This product is assembled to strict quality control standards in Japan.
  • 600ml/20oz. Cold Brew Coffee Maker
  • Ultra Premium Hario Glass
  • Permantent Filter Design means no need for extra filters
  • Great rich tasting full bodied cold brewed coffee overnight
  • Cleaning is easy with a sponge and mild soap.
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Bình pha cafe lạnh Hario SHIZUKU Slow Drip Brewer Cold Brew SBS-5B
Giá: 1.945.000 ₫
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