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Bình lọc cà phê Hario V60 Drip-in (VDI-02B)-700ml (1-4ly)

Delicious pour over coffee in addition to compactness. The dripper is our cone-shaped V60. You can enjoy the flavor of a cloth drip with the ease of a paper filter. As the dripper fits inside the server, compact storage is possible. The coffee pot can be used in a microwave, so the drink can be re-heated.  
Phân Loại / Type Phễu lọc/ Pour-over
Giá: 550.000 ₫

Bình lọc cà phê Hario V60 Drip-in (VDI-02B)-700ml (1-4ly)

Bình lọc cà phê Hario V60 Drip-in (VDI-02B)-1306 The Hario v60 drop-in server provides a smart way to start brewing outstanding drip-style coffee at home. Made of borosilicate glass, the carafe has  700ml capacity for 1 to 4 people. This coffeemaker has everything you need to start brewing right away.
Product Information :
Brand: Hario
Model: VDI-02B
Categories: Drip, See All Coffee Makers
Color: Black
Size : 185 x 127 x 176 mm
Capacity : 700ml for 1-4 cups
Material :
-Pot: Heatproof glass
-Dripper, Lid, Handle: Polypropylene
Weight: 460g
Made in Japan.
More Hario Products: Click here
Khuyến mãi Đặt trước
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Bình lọc cà phê Hario V60 Drip-in (VDI-02B)-700ml (1-4ly)
Giá: 550.000 ₫
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