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Ấm rót cà phê Kalita Coffee Drip Kettle copper 600ml - Japan

The Kalita Copper Pot 600ml. Only drip coffee pot. -Pure copper is suitable for hand drip to divide poured many times for excellent heat conductivity, it has a characteristic that is hard to cool down. · In addition spout has become easier to drip in the narrow mouth.
Xuất Xứ / Origin Japan (Nhật)
Phân Loại / Type Ấm rót/ đun nước Pour over
Giá: 3.000.000 ₫

Ấm rót cà phê  Kalita Coffee Drip Kettle copper 600ml - Japan

Made in Japan, this kettle has a beautiful, hand-beaten copper look that denotes class and quality. Perfect for the shop or at home, the Kalita Copper Pot 600 will allow you to brew pour over coffee with consistent control for a better, more even extraction.
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Mã sản phẩm: 4901369 507529 Model 4901369 507529
Màu sắc : Đồng Color Cooper
Kích thước 172×100×160 mm, đường kính 85 mm Size: 172×100×160 mm,   diameter 85 mm
Dung tích 600 ml Capacity 600 ml
Chất liệu Đồng Material Cooper
Ấm rót cà phê Kalita Coffee Drip Kettle copper 600ml - Japan
Giá: 3.000.000 ₫
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