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Khung giá đỡ nhôm đơn Hario V60 Aluminium VSA - màu vàng

Hario V60 Aluminium Single Stand is a lightweight aluminium coffee brewing stand. The stand is compatible with all Hario V60 drippers. The stand comes with a removable silicone-rubber drip mat.
Price: ₫1,750,000

Aluminum’s intrinsic properties lend a new essence to the drip scene

Aluminum makes a drip stand easy-to-handle for manual drip brewing

  1. With the natural lightweight properties of aluminum, placing a glass dripper, stand and server onto a scale is smooth and effortless.

2.All HARIO dripper can be used. Many stylish possibilities for coordination can be imagined.

3 Each stand comes with a multi-use removable silicon-rubber non-slip drip tray that is dishwasher safe.

Hario V60 Aluminium Single Stand, Gold
Price: ₫1,750,000
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